blood clots during pregnancy||blood clot in brein||blood clot in neck

Hello friends how are you all? Friends, today we will tell you, what is blood clotting? So guys let's start.

blood clots during pregnancy

blood clot in brein

blood clot in neck

What is blood clotting?

Friends, blood clotting is a condition in which blood accumulates in the blood vessel.When we get injured then a blood clot is formed. When any part of our body is cut, blood starts coming out on it. A blood clot is formed to stop the blood from flowing. At this stage, it is necessary for us to form a blood clot.

Apart from this, there is another stage as well. In this condition, the blood clot starts forming in the blood vessel itself. The formation of a blood clot in the blood vessel itself is a very dangerous condition. There are two types of blood clot.

  • The blood clot stays in one place.
  • The blood clot keeps moving from one place to another.

Friends, when the blood clot stays in one place, then it is not so dangerous. But if the blood clot is moving from one place to another, then this condition is dangerous. In this situation we should immediately go to a doctor.

blood clotting symptoms

  1. In this condition, if a small cut is made anywhere in the body, a lot of blood starts flowing.
  2. It easily gets scratched on the body.
  3. In this condition, blood continues to flow from the nose regularly.
  4. In the state of blood clotting, there is a lot of bleeding from the body during menstruation.
  5. In the stage of blood clotting, blood starts coming in the stool and urine.
  6. The flow of blood starts from anywhere in the body without any injury.

blood clotting disorder

Friends, blood clotting is of 2 types. There are 2 stages of blood clotting. The first stage is that the blood continues to flow continuously. This phenomenon is mostly seen in Haemophilia disease. In the second stage, a blood clot is formed in our blood vessels itself. The presence of blood clotting in blood vessels is a dangerous condition.

blood clotting vitamins

Friends, there are some diseases in which blood clotting is not due to lack of vitamins. Vitamin C has a very important role in blood clotting. This disease is like this.

  • Anemia
  • Liver cirrhosis
  • HIV
  • Leukemia

Apart from this, there are some diseases which are caused due to medicines that thin the blood. When our blood becomes thinner, then there is a lack of blood clotting factors in it.

 Apart from this, there are some diseases which are caused due to blood clotting. like

  • A disease related to this is DVT. The full name of DVT is Deep Vein Thrombosis. In this disease, there is a problem of blood clotting in the deep veins in your body.
  • Friends, the problem of DVT is mostly in the feet.
  • Blood clotting in hands and feet. This problem mostly occurs in the lower part of the foot.
  • A blood clot forms in the heart. Friends, due to blood clotting in the heart, heart attack comes. Friends, the heart is not a common place for blood clotting to happen, but it can still happen anywhere.
  • Apart from this, blood clotting also happens in the brain. Blood clotting in the brain is also called stroke.
  • Friends, there is also the problem of blood clotting in the lungs. In this, a blood clot moves to the lungs. The clotting of blood in the lungs is called pulmonary albolism.

blood clotting factors

Friends, many factors are needed for the clotting of blood. Certain proteins and platelets play an important role in blood clotting. When we get a disease in which there is a deficiency of these factors, then there is a problem in blood clotting. The disease caused by blood clotting is called hypercoagulable.

how to avoid blood clotting?

Friends, according to the American Society of Hematology, the disease caused by blood clotting can be prevented. Many people are such that the problem of blood clotting is genetic. In such people, the disease caused by blood clotting can be reduced to a great extent. There are some ways with the help of which all this can be done. like
  1. Friends, we should not wear too tight clothes. We should always wear loose fitting clothes.
  2. One should never smoke.
  3. Salt intake should be done a lot.
  4. One hour exercise should be done every day.
  5. Friends should never sit in the same position during a long journey. You should keep changing your position from time to time.
  6. Never sit on your feet

Blood clotting disease test

Friends, some blood tests are done to detect diseases caused by blood clotting.
Complete Blood Count Test (CBCT); Friends, platelets are tested in this test. Low platelets are a sign of disease caused by blood clotting.

  • Friends, if the time of bleeding and blood clotting is known, then what kind of problem can be detected. But now instead the prothrombin time and activated partial time have taken the place of this test.
  • Prothrombin Time ( PT )
  • Activated Partial Time (APT) Friends, this test tells the tie of blood clot formation.
  • Friends, apart from this some other tests are done like; Protein C activity, Protein C activity, Antithrombin activity.

blood clotting disorder treatment


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